Monday, September 30, 2013

Survival of the sickest I --- Fava Beans

Chapter 4 of Survival of the sickest is about fava beans. Despite fava beans are type of food, they can be lethal to some people. The beans contain two sugar-related compounds called vicine and convicine. These produce free radicals (un-paired electrons) and some people that eat fava beans experience where the hydrogen peroxide formed from the vicine and convicine attack the red blood cells and break them down. Therefore, fava beans are deadly to people with favism.

Favism is a hereditary disease. This means it is passed on through the genes from a parent to the child. It leads to a form of anaemia. As it is linked to the X chromosome, most people who suffer from it are males. Females are less common than males because of XX chromosome. Favism is also known as G6PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. People with G6PD have a different circulation of sugar in their body. More red blood cells in their bodies will be destroyed because of G6PD.

Besides fava beans, this chapter also explains about plants in terms of their defense systems and birth control. For defense, plants are good at being toxic. For example, every spicy pepper has something in it called capsaicin. This is what makes it spicy; however, it is also considered poison. To avoid poison, people develop their ability to taste bitterness in order to avoid these poisons in plants. Keep in mind, not everything we eat is good for us. It might be dangerous to our healths, such as fava beans and celery.
Here is a mind map for Chapter 4: 
Summary of Ch. 4 

The Devil---Fava Beans

glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

Red cell burst 

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